When do babies sleep through the night?
This is the hot topic question of the decade!
“I’m struggling!”
“I’m dying without sleep!”
The answer I give is always a version of the same thing. There is no exact age it just “happens”. It is something we can work on from day one, and it is something we can work on years in. Depending on where you are in the stage of parenting or sleep, will depend on the approach. If you are struggling with getting your child to sleep through the night, it will take some work on your part.
Babies from 0-4 months are in the 4th trimester, and are learning how to feel safe in the big wide world we brought them into. It is not too early to develop good habits, but you are not “spoiling” them by holding them and cuddling them and baby-wearing or contact napping. There are plenty of chances throughout the day to work on independent sleep, and they don’t all need to be perfect. You are setting the stage for later.
Babies from 4-12 months are able to work on independent sleep at this age. It is a fantastic time to get things into a solid routine. Ex: Bath, teeth, stories, white noise, bed. It is the time where they are starting to understand routines, and connecting sleep cycles begins. It can feel really hard in the early days when that 4 month sleep regression hits and can turn into just a habit of sleep. But we must remember that the drive to sleep is innate, the WAY we sleep is learned. If you think about the way you fall asleep, you are likely a creature of habit. Two pillows, one blanket, a fan, lights out, on your side… you get the idea. We learned how to get comfy and create the perfect environment for ourselves, now we have to help them get comfy being in their own bed as well.
Toddlers 12 months and up require lots of patience. They are likely in a habit already, and it is our job to coax them in the right direction of a new habit. It can feel difficult, but it is the same as any other age. We are teaching them a new way to fall asleep that is not only safe, but better than the previous way (because the previous way wasn’t working). When children are calling out for us at night, they are likely just saying “Hey, you were here when I fell asleep and now you aren’t… something changed and I don’t like it.. come back”. Changing that to independent sleep takes some practice. But is 100% can be done!
SO when do babies sleep through the night? Whenever you are ready to help them get there. Some babies just sleep. Some parents seems so lucky. If you are not one of those parents, that’s okay. Give yourself some grace, and let’s find a method that feels good for you.
You can do this.
Schedule your free sleep assessment call today, or check out how I can help you get more sleep tonight here.
Wishing you sleep,
xo Melanie