🌈🦄 Imagine if you could:

✨Put your child in their bed, turn off the light, and leave the room without stressing about whether or not they will cry (or scream)

✨Put your baby down for a nap and get something accomplished for yourself

✨Say goodnight to your toddler and have a date night with your spouse

✨Put your baby down to sleep knowing that if they wake up in the middle of the night they will have the skills needed to put themselves back to sleep without your help

✨Read your toddler a story and have them run to their bed excited to go to sleep because they know the routine and they love their bed

Does this sound like a dream come true? This is my reality, and the reality of so many other parents that have worked with me! Together, we can get your little one sleeping, so you can sleep again too (or maybe have an uninterrupted glass of wine)

Three Week Comprehensive Sleep Package

Recommended for children 4 months or older

How it works:

  • Set your goals for sleep with Melanie

  • Comprehensive Sleep Plan laid out and sent via email with a 60 minute zoom follow up to prepare for the plan

  • Three weeks text support morning and evening to help facilitate the plan

  • Includes one year of limited email support for future hiccups or setbacks (because illness)


What to expect:

  • Fill out a family questionnaire that helps Melanie understand where you are now

  • Melanie will send you an easy to follow sleep plan for your child and their specific needs within 72 hours of paid invoice

  • You will have regular contact with Melanie via text message throughout your three weeks together while getting your child to learn the skill of falling asleep independently

  • SOS call if needed during the first week in order to help keep you on the path towards sleep

  • ONE YEAR OF LIMITED SUPPORT- having Melanie in your back pocket for a year full of mental leaps, teething, travel, and time changes. Get support when it matters