Is it too late to sleep train?

I know what you are thinking. You have been doing things a certain way for so long, that you think it is impossible to change your child’s habits. It is not too late! 7 year olds can learn new sleep habits and work with their parents on breaking old habits. If you have been stuck in a cycle that is no longer working for you and you want to fix it, you can! Sometimes the deciding factor for change is that you may be adding a new member to the family and you are afraid of having two kids sleeping in your bed. It could be that you are not getting enough sleep yourself or you feel you and your partner are struggling to connect (because there is always someone in your bed).

Whatever the case may be, you don’t have to feel guilty for wanting to change it. Children sleep best in their own safe sleep environment. We are not hurting our children by creating boundaries around sleep. Parents are allowed to have alone time and their own space. We don’t get enough space as it is sometimes, am I right? I know that it may feel hard to make the choice initially, but sleep training has saved many families and helped many children thrive. When families sleep better, they have better eating habits, better learning abilities, and overall better days.

If you are fed up with having a toddler or child that doesn’t sleep through the night without you, I am here to tell you that we can change that.

It starts with setting boundaries and sticking to them. If you are giving mixed messages to your child(one night telling them they can’t go in your bed and the next letting them in), they will struggle to understand the change. The more we explain to our children and prepare them for change, the easier it will be. The more we stick to our guns about the change the quicker they are to understand.

Do what you say you will do and life will be easier all around.

Schedule your free discovery call today to see how I can help you get your bed back!

Good luck,

Melanie, Sleep for Littles


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